Monogatari Series

Monogatari Series

 There are various questions related to Anime on internet, the one which is asked frequently is that "What is the correct order to watch Monogatari Series?" So I am  here today to give you the right order of watching this series I hope this become helpful to you.

1: Bakemonogatari

Bakemonogatari was released on July 3rd,  2009. It is consist on 15 episodes.

2: Nisemonogatari

Nisemonogatari was released on Jan 8, 2012 and it is consists on 11 episodes with each with duration of 24 minutes.

3: Nekomonogatari

Nekomonogatari was released on Dec 31, 2012. It is consists on 4 episode with each with duration of 27 minutes.

4: Monogatari Series Second Season

Monogatari series second season was released on Jul 7, 2013. It has 26
episodes each of 24 minutes.

5: Hanamonogatari

Hanamonogatari consists of 5 episodes. It started airing on Aug 16, 2014.

6: Tsukimonogatari

Tsukimonogari started airing on Dec 31, 2014. The duration of its each episode is 23 min having a total of 4 episodes.

7: Owarimonogatari

Owarimonogatari have 12 episode each with the duration of 24min. It was first aired on Oct 24, 2015.

8: Koyomimonogatari

Koyomimonogatari have 12 episodes each having a duration of 14 minutes adn it started airing on Jan 9, 2016 and end on Mar 27, 2016.

9: Kizumonogatari

Kizumonogatari have 3 parts each part consists of one movie. The first part is Kizumonogatari I: Tekketsu-hen, second part is Kizumonogatari II: Nekketsu-hen and the last part is Kizumonogatari III: Reiketsu-hen.

10: Owarimonogatari (Ge)

Owarimonogatari (Ge) is the second part of Owarimonogatari, it has 7 episodes. It started airing on Aug 12, 2017.

11: Zoku Owarimonogatari

Zoku Monogatari started airing on Fed 27, 2019 and end on Mar 27, 2019. It is consists on 6 episodes.


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